Designated as a national historic district, this 19th century German neighborhood is a popular destination for visitors and locals alike as the village features unique shops & galleries, a variety of excellent restaurants, beer and bourbon pubs and entertainment options for live music including rooftop Jazz, authentic Dixieland and more. Throughout the year, the village also hosts numerous popular festivals as well as gallery hops, holiday celebrations, pub crawls, antiques markets and more. The village is home to the Carroll Chimes Bell Tower, the Goose Girl Fountain and numerous historical markers. Walking Tour maps are available online and parking is FREE. Numerous, eclectic dining options are available in and near the village including Cock & Bull English Pub, Wertheim's, Dee Felice Cafe, Fatty Patty's, Chez Nora, Bouquet, Otto's, Riverside Korean Restaurant and many others. For annual festivals, look for Mardi Gras (in February), Maifest (in May), Goettafest (in June), 4th Sunday Antique Shows (May-Oct), Classic Car Show & World's Longest Yard Sale (in August), Oktoberfest (in September), the Northern Kentucky Wine Festival (in October) and many holiday festivities in December.