Locally Made Farmers & Crafters Market

Our area has many local artisans and crafters; our goal is to provide an opportunity for them to showcase their talents and for our local farmers to have a place to sell their fresh produce. We also want to provide everyone with an opportunity to buy local products as often as we can. There will continue to be all kinds of great items to shop for including vegetables, fruits, baked goods, soaps, masks, jewelry, wood products, and more.
At our market, you hand your money to the person right in front of you who grew or made the products and that is a good feeling!
Thank you to all who supported our local farmers, bakers & makers! We look forward to your visit in our new location on Main Street in May 2023!
If you have any questions about becoming a part of the market please contact:
Teresa Mays tmays@beattyville.org 606-567-7703
or Dedra Brandenburg visitleecountyky@gmail.com 606-464-5038.
 Link to Facebook Page Here! ​​