Middle Creek National Battlefield

The Middle Creek National Battlefield (January 10, 1862) is the site of the largest and most significant Civil War battle in Eastern Kentucky. Union forces were led by Col. James A. Garfield and Confederate troops by Brig. Gen. Humphrey Marshall. The battle launched the political career of the 20th President of the United States, James A. Garfield. The Battle of Middle Creek re-enactment takes place here every second weekend in September. Visitors have the opportunity to watch the battle unfold, experience what life was like 150 years ago in this part of Kentucky, and explore both the Confederate and Union interpretative trails.

Stroll along two distinct walking paths that are enhanced with informative interpretive panels. These superb panels explain the strategic offensive and defensive measures that were implemented by the Confederate and Union troops.

Fully interpretive. Two walking trails - confederate & union loop trails. Free (donations accepted).